Why Most People Avoid Conflict and Why You Shouldn’t

However, we typically don’t stop thinking about whatever it is that needs to be done. Rather, we continue to feel stressed about it until it gets done. Avoidance coping involves trying to avoid stressors rather than dealing with them.

When I suggested the book to the parents of the 2 and a half-year-old having temper tantrums, I told them that they would also be doing their child a favor. At 2and a half he would need help their help to talk about what was bothering him. When they were arguing about how to address his meltdowns, they could not help him find words to substitute for the tantrum.

More in Communication

Here are seven signs you might be chronically conflict-avoidant, and why that might actually be a serious problem. You look paralyzed, but under the surface you’re extremely agitated. You shut down, space out, and show very little energy or emotion. Try to remain uncompetitive when approaching someone on the defense. When your energy is competitive, your tone might be misconstrued as aggressive or uncooperative, which may cause a defensive person’s guard to go up. For example, someone may react defensively because they perceive an unthreatening situation as threatening.

Speaking up can ultimately lead to creating a fairer system that benefits everyone. Avoid being accusatory or defensive when approaching the co-worker who took all the credit for your work. Rehearse concise points you’d like to get across to a boss or colleague so you’ll feel confident when addressing them. Having a plan set before confronting someone can help you feel more prepared in the moment. Conflict resolution is about standing up for yourself and communicating when you feel angry or frustrated.

Coping with a Breakup or Divorce

She left the bank a short time later with no hard feelings and no further threats of lawsuits. Arnie Aronoff, an organizational development consultant in Chicago, uses the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument to help individuals become aware of the extent of their conflict avoidance. It may be particularly difficult for flighters to address conflicts how to deal with someone who avoids conflict directly with their managers. The hallmark of flighters, he says, is that, when conflicts arise, their first impulse is to acquiesce. Flighters may hide behind closed office doors, camp out in front of their computer screens or bury themselves in busywork to avoid conflict. These stone-faced flighters have mastered the art of the silent treatment.

BetterHelp is an online therapy service that matches you to licensed, accredited therapists who can help with depression, anxiety, relationships, and more. Take the assessment and get matched with a therapist in as little as 48 hours. When you can recognize conflicting needs and are willing to examine them with compassion and understanding, it can lead to creative problem solving, team building, and stronger relationships. It may be best not to continuously use this response in disagreements with the same person, as it may lead to resentment and negatively impact the relationship long term.

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