Single Mom Says Her Tattoos Are Ruining Her Ability To Date Online Because People Think She’s ‘Trouble’

NO ONE wants to date a bitch with a toddler. You might notice that those are the chicks that are the most miserable. Or you’ll see her dating, but it’s been like 10 guys in the past 2 months and you can tell why nobody has stuck around. Another is forgetting you are entering a relationship with more than one person; her and her kid.

She acts like a child herself.

There’s a reason Lamborghini doesn’t run commercials. There’s a reason Radiohead lets you pay for what you want. They want to give women everything once it comes to children, we stop having them. Government wants to give women everything in marriage, we don’t get married. Why would it matter what he says or doesn’t say?

The problem is that ideas being preached on FDS don’t line up with reality.

You may end up treating her son differently because you already have yours. Always stay on the sidelines about the stories they tell you and do not get carried away by her little “victim” lies, believe more in what you see and your intelligence. When you’re managing your own life and your kids, you shouldn’t also need to micromanage your relationship. Anyone deserves a partner that puts in the effort, but single moms especially don’t have the time to deal with lazy love interests. Are you looking to hook up or interested in a long-term partner? Most single parents want to know what type of commitment you’re looking for from them, and how much you’re willing to commit in return.

So go back to bitchin’ and leave real men be. Just take this fully recognized priority of self and family into your dating life. You have a few days a week to enjoy a social life, don’t be in such a hurry to get serious. Would take one special-ass fucking bitch to lay out that risk.

On the posts I read on r/FDS, just like with r/MGTOW and others, there was a lot of pain, and people reaching out for various ways to wrestle with it. Few men that consider themselves “High Value” want interracialmatch to invest their time, energy, and hard-earned money into raising another man’s child. Many of the posts describe relationships that went wrong in various ways, leaving women hurt and angry as a result.

Single moms are very independent and can accomplish so much in very little time, on their own. So in the dating world, we tend to look for someone that can enhance our lives. We don’t want drama, competition, or dead weight.” We are more than mothers,” says Grant. “It’s nice to take our children into consideration, but also try to appeal to the women we are too.”

Aside from child #3 we have been a fairly functional family. I went to MIT, my sister to BYU, (middle child is in jail…), and the other two are getting along well in high school and elementary school respectively. Lotta nerves are gonna get struck by bringing up the dreaded single mother.

She frequently trash talks her ex.

On the other hand, women are simply approached by interested men, based on their level of attractiveness. They either select or reject male attention. It never occurred to me that women would need “strategies” to be passive participants in dating and relationships. If your new lover can’t understand that you’re busy or they’re unable to sympathize with you, that could be a red flag. The right partner will empathize with you and even try to put themselves in your shoes.

I got out of there as soon as I could, and I’m now living with my father. Now realize that you are not looking for love or some unicorn. You are looking out at what’s best for you. You do what’s best for you while accepting any criticism or problem you have of your partner as a sign or problem that needs to be handled before it gets bigger. You don’t owe her or her child anything, but if she follows your lead and makes you happy, besides sex, then perhaps hold your frame and continue on. However, I would advise against moving in together, getting married, or having more kids and in this case to understand the laws and obligations of your state regarding those things.

If she encourages you to cross a boundary early on to come to her rescue or stand up for her, be weary. Don’t read into it if she just makes one or two comments about what kind of a dad you’ll be if you’ve been dating for months, but if this comes up super regularly, it’s worth taking note. If it’s been 6-12 months and she outwardly refuses to even introduce you, that might be a red flag as well. It’s 100% her decision on when to introduce you, but she should be at least interested in bringing you around if everything has been going well.

Critique of social issues always requires generalization of some sort. I am catnip to single mothers, and, while I understand why, I also understand that being with a single mom is not desirable to me or most men. Your mother is a widow, you were raised by a widow not a single mother. I think most men here would agree avoiding widows for the sole reason that they are widows is pretty callous.

Not necessarily every point on every girl but I could pick out traits and assign them all. Back then I just had my gut feelings and knew I couldn’t deal with them for longer than a month or two. It’s interesting revisiting those periods with this post… He lists the bad characteristics of single mothers, recap his personal experiences with them, and concludes that they are a dysfunctional group, and the most detrimental to society.

I will point out now that between all your name calling I’m now either a feminist, a nerd/ idiot (which really doesn’t go together but okay) a troll or a someone from SRS. If you’re arguing/debating, especially with feminists, you’re not a “real man”, or even a man at all. You’re an insecure little boy bitching at the little girls sticking their tongues out at you. Flip them the bird with a smirk, and go about your day. If you still think you’re in a sub dedicated to your little opinions, you’re wrong. What I come to learn here is not “how to win an argument with a feminist”, it’s life tips on how to become a better version of myself, and how to navigate the SMP.

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