Recovery Residences Halfway Houses Georgia Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division, (sometimes called halfway houses), provide peer-supported, alcohol-free and drug-free living environments for people who are transitioning back into mainstream life following treatment in an alcohol or drug treatment program, release from prison, or those who are on probation or parole. So, while some are legitimate, others may provide substandard living conditions with the goal of lining their owners’ pockets rather than supporting their residents’ recovery. One characteristic of some disreputable recovery residences is an illegal practice known as “patient brokering,” in which the owners accept fees or kickbacks for transporting their residents to certain out-patient treatment providers. Sometimes, these arrangements consist of unlawful agreements in which the recovery houses bring their residents to the treatment providers, and in exchange, the treatment providers refer clients who have completed their in-patient treatment programs to the recovery residences. The passage of Georgia General Assembly Senate Bill 4, which went into effect on July 1, 2021, makes this type of practice illegal. The law also prohibits any person, including a substance abuse provider, from soliciting or receiving any compensation or engaging in any split-fee arrangement for the referral of a person to or from a substance abuse provider or in return for treatment from a substance abuse provider.

  • This is one of the ways Project HOME will empower adults to break the cycle of homelessness while addressing the opioid crisis and the impact addiction has on the homeless community.
  • The Recovery Residence Association is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation, and we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of our staff, operators, partners, and community members.
  • A series of studies on Oxford Houses suggest they promote a host of positive outcomes at substantially lower costs compared to standard continuing care after residential treatment.
  • By understanding the path you’ve taken to get to us, we are committed to helping you structure your life by offering the tools and knowledge to build and maintain a solid foundation in your recovery.

Reviewers will be examining the recovery environment and ensuring the property and program meet the national quality standards. “Amy” is an amazing young lady who came to HCRS in 2007; she had been placed in residential school due to her uncontrolled behavior issues and inconsistent home life and had a State appointed legal guardian. With the help of HCRS, Amy was placed in more stable home environment with a family that she had already established a relationship with during emergency respite care.


Recovery residences listed on the registry are verified by the Washington Alliance of Quality Recovery Residences (WAQRR) as following the National Alliance of Recovery Residences (NARR) best practices. These residences allow residents to use prescribed medication for physical health, mental health, and substance use disorders. As part of a national recovery movement across US college campuses, the University of San Francisco offers The Haven, a unique residential community for USF students in recovery from substance use issues or for those who simply desire to live a sober, healthy recovery lifestyle. A series of studies on Oxford Houses suggest they promote a host of positive outcomes at substantially lower costs compared to standard continuing care after residential treatment.

The degree of monitoring and regulation in recovery residences varies widely from setting to setting. Given that recovery residences do not provide treatment, state regulations applicable to addiction treatment do not apply to them. That said, there are some umbrella organizations (see below) that promote quality assurance and oversight at recovery residences; they may even offer formal certification for residences that meet and adhere to these guidelines. Individuals considering recovery residences for themselves or their loved ones are strongly encouraged to inquire about any regulatory organizations with which a potential residence is affiliated and whether or not it is certified in states where certification is available. Supportive sober living environment where you can focus on your recovery without the stresses and distractions of everyday life.

House of Healing

Email the HCA Recovery Residence team for information or questions regarding the loan application process. If you’re interested in learning more about the Refresh Recovery Residence rules, contact us. At a Refresh Recovery Residence, you’ll find support in every area, so your attention can be squarely on getting sober and making a strong start in recovery.

Who regulates sober living homes in California?

The California Department of Health Care Services also oversees some regulation of sober living homes in the state, as long as they offer some services like: Job training. Drug testing.

The Code is designed for operators, staff, peer leaders and volunteers in any recovery residence. If you are interested in your recovery home being included in the recovery residence registry, please email the HCA recovery residence team. By understanding the path you’ve taken to get to us, we are committed to helping you structure your life by offering the tools and knowledge to build and maintain a solid foundation in your recovery. Vision
To establish a research-based, outcomes driven, sustainable impact in the recovery of young adults who are experiencing early episodes of mental illness.

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